How has the character of Carrie evolved?
Well, its two years since the last movie and she is about to publish her last book and is married. She is experiencing a new change. At the beginning, she starts asking herself and the people about traditions and marriage and the conventions of marriages. When she is invited to this glorious trip to Abu Dhabi, it allows her to carry this question forward further. They arrive in the Middle East, and it’s a wonderful culture to observe with this idea in her head...
And some wonderful fashion?
How has the style in the movie changed?
There is a big difference between the first and this movie and that was because we were shooting in a country that is dictated in many ways by the people of faith, who are observant of cultural and social norms. That meant being covered. Our chest and shoulders were to be covered, wearing dresses that weren’t too short and it posed a wonderful challenge for Pat. It inspired her to look at silhouettes differently and this is the first time I’ve spent so much time in that much of fabric. I was really covered and I really came to see how sexy being covered can be and I loved the costumes in this movie. Pat would tell you how much she enjoyed too.
How much of the character ‘Carrie’ is you today?
Regardless of the time spent playing Carrie, I still feel very different. Pretty much all of our choices have been different. I married pretty early in my life. I have children. I got caught into domesticity probably much sooner than Carrie. My single life has been less colourful than Carrie’s. But that’s the beauty of playing somebody who is different. It’s fun. I don’t find my real self to be so much fun and I wouldn’t be very good at that, probably.
So is Sex and the City 3 on the cards?
I don’t know. It’s a conversation that I can have only after the movie opens.
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